AI Act: European Regulation Amendments

Parliament and Council are debating AI Act amendments. Proposed changes include a 4-yearly impact report on AI development, deployment, pricing, and rights protection. The report will assess effects on consumers, SMEs, and AI investments, and scrutinize large platforms' compliance with EU rules.

AI Act: European Regulation Amendments
IN Regulation of Artificial Intelligence

Proposal for Amendments to Strengthen European AI Regulations

Source: European Parliament Keywords AI Act regulation

The European Parliament and the Council are considering a proposal for amendments to the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Act, which aims to establish harmonised rules for AI technologies and amend certain Union Legislative Acts. The proposed amendments include submitting a detailed report on the evaluation and review of the AI Act every four years, starting three years after its application date. This report would assess the impact of the AI Act on the development and deployment of AI products and services within the Union, including open source software, its pricing, adaptation by businesses, and protection of fundamental rights. The report would also summarize the positive and negative effects on consumers and businesses, particularly small and medium-sized enterprises, and the levels of investment into AI innovation in the Union. Furthermore, the proposal suggests that AI systems used by social media platforms designated as very large online platforms should be subject to the AI Act's recommender systems, unless they already comply with existing EU regulations.

AI Act: Reporting Requirements

The European Parliament and the Council are currently considering amendments to the AI Act, which aims to establish standardized rules for AI technologies within the European Union (EU). These proposed amendments have significant implications for financial institutions involved in AI.

One notable aspect of the amendments is the introduction of a requirement to submit a detailed report every four years, starting three years after the AI Act's application date. This report would evaluate the impact of the AI Act on the development and deployment of AI products and services within the EU. It would cover various aspects such as open-source software, pricing, business adaptation, and the protection of fundamental rights. Additionally, the report would analyze the effects on consumers and businesses, particularly small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as the levels of investment into AI innovation in the Union.

Furthermore, the proposed amendments suggest that AI systems used by very large online platforms designated as social media platforms should comply with the AI Act's recommender systems, unless they already adhere to existing EU regulations.

These amendments have several potential implications for financial institutions involved in AI. They would entail increased reporting requirements and evaluations of AI products and services. Financial institutions may need to adjust their pricing strategies and adapt their AI technologies to align with the regulations. Additionally, there would be a stronger emphasis on protecting fundamental rights and considering the effects on consumers and businesses, particularly small and medium-sized enterprises. Financial institutions should also be prepared for potential changes in the levels of investment into AI innovation in the EU. Moreover, social media platforms designated as very large online platforms would need to comply with the AI Act's recommender systems.

To ensure compliance with the proposed amendments, financial institutions involved in AI should:

  • Stay informed about the progress of the amendments, understanding specific requirements and timelines.

  • Conduct a comprehensive assessment of the impact on their AI products and services.

  • Establish robust reporting and evaluation processes to meet heightened requirements.

  • Review and adapt pricing strategies to align with regulations and promote transparency.

  • Prioritize privacy and data protection to safeguard fundamental rights.

  • Mitigate potential negative impacts on consumers and small businesses through support and guidance.

  • Stay updated on investment trends and align strategies accordingly.
    Promptly adapt compliance efforts as the amendments progress through the legislative process.

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AI Act: a step closer to the first rules on Artificial Intelligence | News | European Parliament
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