Counterparty Credit Risk Management: Guidelines Under Basel III
Basel III counterparty credit risk management (CCR) enhances due diligence, stress testing, and capital frameworks to address systemic vulnerabilities, including NBFI risks, and ensure financial stability.
EMIR 3: AAR, Representativeness, and Stress Testing
EMIR 3 updates by ESMA enforce the Active Account Requirement (AAR) and stress testing to strengthen EU CCP reliance, mitigate risks, and enhance financial stability.
Internal Audit in Banking Industry
Internal audit in the banking industry ensures financial integrity and compliance, addressing risks, fraud, and regulatory demands. Proactive measures like AI tools and strong governance enhance resilience and align banks with evolving regulations.
DORA Regulation: ICT Risks with CTPPs, Reporting, and EUCLID
ESAs update the DORA Regulation, emphasizing CTPP designation, EUCLID reporting, and validation rules to boost financial resilience against ICT risks.
CRR 3: Deutsche Perspektive auf die Pillar 3 Data Hub Standards
CRR 3 und die Pillar 3 Data Hub Standards fördern Transparenz und Stabilität im europäischen Finanzsektor. Der Fokus liegt auf technischen Herausforderungen und Anpassungen für deutsche Banken, um die Anforderungen der EBA zu erfüllen und die Umsetzung praxisnah und effizient zu gestalten.