The trends that will change compliance management
In the world of compliance management software, there are some interesting trends that may affect the industry in the coming years. These trends can help shape how we develop and use these tools, allowing our businesses to become more efficient and secure.
As the CEO of Grand, I'm constantly looking to the future and assessing how new technologies can further our business goals.
In the world of compliance management software, there are some interesting trends that may affect the industry in the coming years. These trends can help shape how we develop and use these tools, allowing our businesses to become more efficient and secure.
Super easy data management and collaboration
The first trend is knowledge capturing tools like Notion, Coda and Airtable. These applications allow users to organize information into personal workspaces, where data can easily be accessed and analyzed for quick decision-making. They also provide an efficient way to store compliance-related information such as contracts, policies, and procedures. This makes it easier for organizations to track their compliance activities and ensure that any changes are tracked and logged appropriately.

At Grand we use Notion to keep track of our projects, documents, assets, articles and much more. It lies at the heart of our operations.
New documents or policies in a second
The second trend is generative AI. Generative AI is an advanced type of AI that produces original content from existing data sets. This technology can be used to automate the creation of regulatory documents or policies based on existing templates, freeing up time and money spent on manual updates or creating new documents. This increases efficiency while also ensuring that all documents are up-to-date with current regulations, so organizations don’t have to worry about falling out of compliance due to outdated documents.

Both of these trends offer significant benefits when it comes to compliance management software. Therefore, it seems reasonable that any new compliance tool should incorporate these features in order to remain competitive in a rapidly changing market.
At Grand, we plan on taking full advantage of these trends by developing a comprehensive suite of compliance management software solutions incorporating these technologies. We understand that these technologies will be essential for staying ahead of the competition by providing intuitive and efficient solutions for managing our customer’s compliance activities. Our goal is to make sure that our customers have access to the most cutting-edge solutions available in this growing market so they can easily stay compliant without sacrificing time or money.
If you have great ideas that you would like to share with us, don't hesitate to drop us a line, or submit a feature request at, where you can also find our updated roadmap. If you add it, we’ll build it.
Let’s make compliance fun again ;)